Thursday, September 5, 2013

#Venting about vents

So School has already started kicking my butt so please forgive me for my MIA status. But my goal is to be more devoted to my blog and share all the fashion information that I am learning.

As I shared in previous postings I love men fashion, I love shopping for men's clothing, in my mind they are my own life size Ken doll. As a little girl, I mainly had barbie dolls and maybe one male doll. My parents did not a lot of money, or a disposable income for unnecessary toys, meaning that although my mom always got me barbie dolls from the second hand stores or garage sales, I never had a lot of clothes or a lot of the Ken dolls. As a result, every time I got to go through my grandma's old clothing I would make clothing for my dolls.  So now as an adult, since I never really got a hang of sewing or making my own clothes I am blessed to live in America and have the money and opportunity to shop among the multitude of stores and countless options that this great country offers.

My point is that men's fashion is just as particular as women's clothing and every detail is significant.
One detail that I will admit I have even over looked many times is vents on men's suits.
Some men refer to them as the openings on the back of the suit coat, and don't think twice before buying the suit if those vents have a purpose or add anything to the fit, style and purpose of the suit. Well men, I am here to burst your bubble, those vents are very important and have a very good purpose.

Vents come in three options: One, Two, or None: Each having a particular style and purpose.

One Vent:
When there is only one vent, it is always placed in the middle as seen below:
One vent in the center is the more American Business style and more modern. This style and fit works best with the slimmer figure. It doesn't allow for much mobility and can create a wrinkle in the back of the suit. Unlike the other vent styles, this one does not particularly accent the figure but does tend to have a tighter fit. This being send, men that tend to be on the heavier side, or have a larger mid-section should probably not invest in the center vent. It will only accent the mid section and if that is not your goal then the center vent is not the style for you.
More modern American suits tend to carry more of this style such as Theory and Sak's Red brand. 

Two Vents:

The two vent suit style dates back to the British tradition, the two vent style allows for the most mobility and flexibility. It was traditionally from the equestrian heritage, meaning the flap that it creates allowed for men that went horseback to sit comfortably on horseback without rumpling your suit. The two vent is the best style to avoid creating that odd wrinkle on the back of the suit jacket when sitting. The style works for all body types but it is extremely kind to the rounder figure. The two vent style creates a nice figure and allows for room to grow, by creating a bit of free space between the shirt and jacket, just incase you have a larger lunch one day. Therefore, becuase it is the more traditional suit, most designers and brands carry the two vent style.

No Vent:
The no vent style as pictured above it the least common. It is the more restrictive of the three styles. The no vent is, in my opinion, to be worn by men with a slim figure. The no vent style does no favors for the rounder figure, if the fit is not correct it bunches up around the middle and only accents the belly. It allows for very little mobility and can easily create an odd wrinkle on the back of the suit. Don't get me wrong it's also a great style but unlike the other two styles, this one is not as universal. It is the most common among old Hollywood style films becuase no vent suits are the most photogenic. The clean and sleek look that the jacket creates is more formal, hence why tuxedos have no vents. Therefore, wear with caution.

So there you have it, who thought those little openings on the suit jacket were so important. Since most men buy suits to last, suits can be timeless therefore it is important to know how and what to buy.

Until next time!

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